D&A Design Studio / Orange County website Ul/UX

Orange County website Ul/UX

Orange County, UI / UX

My tryst with Orange County goes back a decade and continues till date. It all started back in the day, when Orange Country was raising the tentpoles on its very first digital destination. It was an ecstatic experience working closely with the stakeholders, designing their UI and UX, when terms like these sent other clients scampering to online dictionaries of obfuscated geek-dom, the minute you left their offices.

The design mandate was to offer visitors an online experience of the great outdoors, with creature comforts only adding to the experience and brought them closest to nature. Without actually turning them into trees or rocks.

Clients soon turned into buddies, who thereafter turned to great friends.

Now in the 4th avatar of its evolution, the website is perfectly responsive across all form factors. Post the last revamp, online reservations saw a 40% upswing; while page dropouts declined substantially.

Orange County have since rebranded to Evolve Back www.evolveback.com


Brand Identity, UI/UX
